Brian Bon
A leading professional in his field, Brian brings to the table 39 years of professional experience as an instructor, director, choreographer and performer, including more TV appearances than any other clogger in the country. He is passionate, motivating, and people focused. Those qualities combined with his extensive practical performance and teaching experience in public schools, universities and in private studios have earned the respect of his students, peers, supervisors and clients.
Extensive Arts Education affiliations as performer and instructor (All the Arts for All the Kids, Segerstrom Center ARTS TEACH, Children’s Creative Project, Sulphar Springs School District, & numerous home school education programs and more)
In charge of every aspect of a long-running, successful percussive dance show, POWERHOUSE!!! Percussive Dance!
Experienced owner/operator of his private dance studio program;
Performer for Disney and other entertainment organizations;
Implemented an instruction and performance program for special needs dancers;
For info on Mr. Bon’s private classes and performance info please contact:
Brian Bon
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