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Share the Creativity!
Has your child (or you!) used one of our video lessons to spark your creativity and make art?
Share with us and (with permission) we will post here to celebrate your artistry!
London from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Artist from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Leo & Cora from California
Lesson: Organic Shapes & Lines
with Ms. Terry Orr

Matteo from California
Lesson: Organic Shapes
with Ms. Terry Orr
Jake from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Andrew from California
Lesson: Organic Shapes
with Ms. Terry Orr

Jude from California
Lesson: Organic Shapes
with Ms. Terry Orr
Asher from California
Lesson: Shapes, Contrasts, and Birds
with Ms. Terry Orr

Olivia from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Artist from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Connor from California
Lesson: Organic Shapes
with Ms. Terry Orr

Jayden from California
Lesson: Awesome Instruments
with Ms. Chelsea Davis
Mia from North Carolina
Lessons: Stained Glass Flowers
Shapes, Contrasts, & Birds
with Ms. Terry Orr

Share your art here!
Cora from California
Lesson: Kente Cloth & Patterns
with Ms. Terry Orr
Creator from ?
Lesson: ?
Creator from ?
Lesson: ?

Share your art here!

Share your art here!
Dion from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Rein from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr

Tapper from Texas
Lesson: Make Tap Shoes
with Mr. Brian Bon

Daniel from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr

Cora from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr

Raina from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr

Seohee from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Jayden from California
Lesson: Percussive Dance
with Mr. Brian Bon
Ella from California
Lesson: Stained Glass Flowers
with Ms. Terry Orr
Has your child (or you!) used one of our video lessons to spark your creativity and make art? Share with us and (with permission) we will post here to celebrate your artistry!
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