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Fe Perez

Fe Perez was born in the beautiful state of Oaxaca Mexico, distinguished by its architectural beauty and traditional culture, one of them being Folklore. She was first introduced to Folklorico at the young age of 6 in elementary school. She also joined other disciplines such as rhythmic gymnastics, contemporary classical dance, and theater.


Over the years, she also enrolled in Mexican Folklore classes at the institute of Casa del Issste, a place for scholars to become instructors. At the same time, Fe also studied at the Casa de la Cultura y Bellas Artes where she took choreography and craft design classes. She also went to Autonoma Benito Juarez de Oaxaca University where she received her bachelor's in architecture.


In 1991 she moved to California and once again began teaching Folklorico. It was at John Marshall elementary as well as the Anaheim Community Center where she taught children as a community service volunteer. She currently has been working for the City of Anaheim for more than 18 years and over 20 years for the YMCA organization teaching Folklorico. Fe has taught Folklorico at more than 10 elementary schools in Garden Grove, Anaheim, Fullerton, and Placentia. Additionally, she has also taught at 3 junior high schools in the Anaheim district.


Fe is also the founder and president of her dance group named Grupo Folklorico Monte Alban, for over 15 years, which presently has over 50 students. Fe’s Folklorico group has participated in competitions, festivals, fairs, and parades following a showcase every year. Furthermore, Fe has also given Folklorico workshops to groups such as the Latina Arts Foundation, Coalicion de Folklorico Unidos, and Danzantes Unidos. In addition, she has also collaborated with the Consulado de Mexico in Santa Ana and was a part of the Regional Organization of Oaxaca (ORO). Ultimately, Fe's goal is to empower, motivate, and educate children in Mexico's diverse culture through dance.

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